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How to send customized emails to tens of thousands of users with Bronto and eZ Platform

In an effort to engage its audience, our client, FindaTopDoc, wanted to integrate a custom Q&A platform into its site. They chose Oracle + Bronto as the accompanying marketing automation tool. Here we outline how we integrated Bronto with eZ Platform to build a robust Q&A and newsletter system with the capacity to send customized e-mails to tens of thousands of users.


Unleashing Bronto’s fields, segments, and workflows for powerful automated marketing messages

We’ve worked with many marketing automation platforms and have written about custom integrations using MailChimpSalesforceMarketoHubSpot, and Bronto. Recently, we’ve been impressed by the combined power of Bronto’s fields, segments, and workflows. Fields are user metadata and can be updated remotely via the Bronto API. Segments are automatically generated lists of users who meet the segment’s criteria. Finally, workflows are intelligent triggers that can be used to initiate a complex series of events. The combination of these features can be extremely powerful for marketers looking to send customized messages to highly targeted lists.

For instance, we recently built a CMS-based blogging platform for FindaTopDoc, a client that showcases medical professionals and their content. Their blog posts go through a series of editorial controls before they are made publicly visible, and if the author has opted-in and configured social sharing, the published posts are also shared to the author’s social media accounts.