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Monitor Global Outlook

Mugo partner since 2010

This Business Intelligence website features a paywall, caching of content for logged in users, a responsive design, enterprise login features, Salesforce and Marketo integrations, and more.

Monitor Global Outlook helps clients better anticipate new opportunities, manage risk and prevent loss in Emerging and Frontier Markets. It is the Business Intelligence unit of The Christian Science Monitor.

Monitor Global Outlook frontpage

Subscribers to Monitor Global Outlook get access to in-depth reporting from 18 local offices throughout the developing world's fastest-growing regions. Mugo Web built features for personalization, multi-device support, editorial tools, and more. The site is built on top of the eZ Publish content management system.

Mugo started working with Monitor Global Outlook after we outgrew our first website and content management system. With a combination of solid tech development skills and excellent communication, the Mugo team rescued us from frequent website outages to put us on a stable foundation for growth.

We then worked together to implement a redesign, meeting fast-turnaround deadlines. I particularly appreciate their ability to propose creative, realistic solutions to our challenges and their eagerness to talk through ways to optimize the product development process.

Their team is truly part of the MGO team at this point.

- Ben Arnoldy, Product Manager, Monitor Global Outlook

User experience

Search filtering, saved searches, and e-mail alerts

Logged in users can browse site content by region and sector. Content is featured as Briefings, Specialist Q&As, and Strategic Outlooks.

There is also a rich set of search filters. Searches can be saved and shared. Searches can also be marked for alerts -- when new content is posted that matches the search criteria, the system will send out an e-mail alert.

Monitor Global Outlook saved searches


A select number of articles are freely viewable. The rest are behind a subscription paywall. For marketing purposes, Monitor Global Outlook staff can generate time-limited URLs to share full articles with prospective customers.

Monitor Global Outlook staff can also create trial user accounts so that prospective users can get a good idea of all of the site benefits. All of the site features can be customized so that, for example, a staff member can create personalized content update e-mails tailored to a trial user's interests. Trial accounts automatically expire according to a configurable amount of time or a specific date, and the system automatically sends reminder and expiry e-mails at the appropriate times.

Enterprise login features

Enterprise customers have access to enhanced login features. They can create and manage sub-accounts under a single account; configure logins by IP address ranges; and configure logins by referring URLs.

Responsive design

The website has a responsive design, enabling users to view the site on any device.

Monitor Global Outlook responsive design

Editorial features

Salesforce, Marketo, and Google Analytics integrations

To support sales and marketing efforts, the Monitor Global Outlook website is integrated with both Salesforce and Marketo. Using Salesforce, lead statuses are tracked and customer information is synced between the website and Salesforce. The integration with Marketo includes the management of various subscriptions and a custom feed manager for populating newsletters.

Using Google Analytics, Monitor Global Outlook can track individual user behavior in order to better optimize the site experience.

Editorial workflow

Articles go through a custom editorial workflow. This enables authors, editors, and media editors to work together at different times and different locations to prepare articles to be published.

Monitor Global Outlook workflow

Tag management

To support the front-end user features, editors manage a powerful taxonomy tree for regions, sectors, companies, and classifications.

Landing page management

Editors have full control over landing pages, and can either pick specific articles to be featured in sliders and other page blocks, or configure the blocks to automatically update based on the new content by tag.

Technical implementation

Varnish cache for logged in users

We create different variations of pages within Varnish's cache in order to deliver a high performing, dynamic site.

Data import

Content for the Monitor Global Outlook website was originally managed in WordPress. Mugo re-used its existing data import tools to create an automated migration of content from WordPress to eZ Publish. During the migration period, we set up a login bridge between eZ Publish and WordPress so that user credentials could be validated against the WordPress database.

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