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Alberta Gymnastics Federation

Mugo partner since 2016

Alberta Gymnastics Federation is the governing body for gymnastics in Alberta and provides support for clubs, gymnasts, coaches, and judges across the province.

Alberta Gymnastics Federation is the governing body for gymnastics in Alberta and provides support for clubs, gymnasts, coaches, and judges across the province.

The Federation came to Mugo Web looking for a simple homepage refresh to modernize its look, simplify its navigation, and integrate social media channels.

Happy with the results, Alberta Gymnastics asked Mugo to proceed with a full website redesign in addition to the development of new features including an events calendar, an online course evaluations system, an insurance claims processing portal, and an e-commerce store.  

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A line art robot, split in half. The left side has a black background and white outline and the right has a white background and a black outline.

Managing "bad" bots is not always black(list) or white(list)

Managing bot access to your website is one of the least sexy tasks a site manager handles. You just identify the bot’s user agent, edit robots.txt to allow or disallow access, and you’re done. Right?

Of course, nothing’s ever quite that simple when it comes to safeguarding your web identity. Sure, robots.txt is still the industry stalwart – it’s a tactic we often use for our clients here at Mugo Web when we want to block a specific bot for some practical reason.


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Email authentication's time has come: implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

With Gmail and Yahoo now requiring bulk emailers to implement authentication protocols, making sure you understand the differences between SPF, DKIM, and DMARC and how they work together is essential for your email marketing efforts. We'll walk you through how to set these up in your email provider of choice. 

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Optimizing page load time with a YouTube facade

While YouTube embed options are powerful and effective, they are not always the most efficient use of resources when it comes to bandwidth. Using a facade can help decrease page load time and increase site performance without sacrificing any of the utility of the native YouTube embed options. 

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GenAI for developers: your mileage will vary, so drive carefully

Generative AI is shaking up every category of knowledge work, and professional software development is on the front lines of the revolution. With new advancements on the horizon, what does that mean for developers in the here and now? Our team experimented with a few of the leading tools and shared their impressions, along with suggestions on best practices for navigating AI usage in web development.


Terminal Input Broadcast

Typing the same instructions into multiple terminals at the same time is a great trick when you have a group of servers that have the same or similar configurations. 

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Getting down to business with professional WordPress development

WordPress has a flexible and robust ecosystem for creating a wide variety of websites. But when your site needs to grow and expand functionality, having a dedicated, experienced development team to support and build out new features is essential. Learn about Mugo Web’s best practices when it comes to developing in a WordPress environment and see how we’ve helped save clients thousands of dollars with innovative solutions.