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Adding data to your Solr index for Ibexa DXP 4.x

Sometimes, Apache Solr doesn’t index data in just the way you need for your custom search criteria. When you need to add data not indexed by default in the Solr search engine, the document field mapper should be created to fit your needs.

graphic of an image placeholder being resized to larger dimensions.

Custom filters for "scalemin" image variations in Ibexa 4.x

Having quality images on your site is important, and creating all the different versions of images for the various ways they will be used on your site is time-consuming and potentially frustrating. Letting browsers auto-render images to different sizes and shapes will cause pixelation and stretched images that don’t reflect well on your brand. The good news is that there are several tactics to automatically generate high-quality and specific versions of images to cover all the use cases.

Part of a data table in ASCII format showing output of the eep:location:subtree command

eep-bundle: eep is back, this time for eZ Platform / Ibexa DXP

We’ve discussed eep (Ease eZ Publish) several times over the years. It’s a powerful tool we at Mugo Web have used for innovative solutions. For the uninitiated, eep is a collection of scripts to support developers working with eZ Publish. Now that eZ Publish is a legacy product, we needed a new option for eZ Platform and Ibexa DXP. Introducing eep-bundle, a collection of Symfony commands specifically selected to work with the new system! We’ll dive in and look at some of the more useful functions eep-bundle provides, such as commands to work with cache, content, content field and type, location, section, and user data.

two gears, one with salesforce logo, one with ibexa logo, and arrows showing the movement between the two

Integrating Ibexa DXP with Salesforce for powerful marketing automation

Business data is inevitably distributed across multiple systems. However, we know that customers are not prepared to deal with that kind of complexity, especially when they see little relevance or value to the task at hand. A typical location for this kind of friction is in the integration of the Content Management System (CMS) and the Customer Relationship Management system (CRM). Integrating the two can help provide a seamless experience for the customer and increase the overall usability of your website.

Authenticating user login with external systems using Symfony’s Guard Component image

Authenticating user login with external systems using Symfony’s Guard Component

One of the most common features in any website is the login system which validates a user’s credentials and grants role-based access to certain content and functions. The Symfony-based Ibexa DXP includes a standard login system which checks encrypted login credentials against user information stored in the CMS’s database.

Custom Name Pattern

Modifying field formats and the Content Name Pattern in Ibexa DXP

Content management systems, including the Ibexa DXP, typically create a Content Name for each content item stored in the database. Content Names are automatically generated from attributes required for a content type, and so do not necessarily match other content attributes, such as Title, that users can edit directly.

SSO Handler

Single sign-ons on a multi-site Ibexa DXP install using Symfony kernel events

The Ibexa DXP excels at multi-site installations. For example, on the same installation, you can create multiple sites that share the same database, or that share the same code but use independent databases. Different sites can share the same base design and templates, but make use of site-specific overrides where relevant. For sites with user logins, you might need Single Sign-On (SSO) behavior, so that whenever a user logs in to one site, they are automatically logged in to all sites without having to re-enter their credentials. In this post, we'll review how to implement SSO logins on an Ibexa DXP website, specifically one where some of the sites are still using eZ Publish legacy siteaccesses.