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By: Doug Plant | October 5, 2009 | Work at Mugo

Finding the right people to add to your company is hard. In some ways we are very picky and in others we are super flexible. But we're looking and if you or someone you know might be interested - Let us know!

[Note, while we lucked-out and found the right person, we're still looking]

Running a small business is a thing that doesn't suit everyone's tastes.
For us, here are Mugo, we thrive on the challenges: having good relationships
with our clients, delivering good stuff on time, building good solutions that
our client's clients like to use. This stuff is the meat and potatoes.

Then there are the things like filing taxes, renting offices, managing budgets and
dealing with lawyers. Kind of the business side of the business. For the most part
it's pretty simple - head in the direction that you need to go and follow your nose.
Even the pivotal task of getting new work seems to fall into place as a result of
doing everything else as well as possible.

Our newest hurdle doesn't seem to solve itself quite as easily: We need more people.
We don't have a specific list of technical abilities, but for sure anyone that we
hire is going to be technically adept. At the top of the list of requirements is
the sensibility of a team player; so, excellent communications, great self-motivation,
and solid reliability.

Mainly we work on eZ Publish. We're well recognized as being leading implementors,
certainly in North America, but also around the world. Doing stuff with eZ Publish
can be accomplished at several levels, and we could fit someone in at any of them.

At the top of the stack is the presentation layer stuff. We'd talk to someone who
can write HTML (obviously, with CSS and some JS) that works across browsers. Like
any programming work, results count first and maintainability second. But if you
can't maintain it, it doesn't work. We don't do site designs - mostly clients have
their own site designs. We might be interested in someone who can do a full site
design, but it's not that important to us. What is important is enough ability to work
within and extend existing designs. We do lots of work on existing sites, so this
is very useful.

eZ Publish is quite a bit more powerful than your average CMS and it provides that
power with a rather big API. The API is not super well documented -- it is perhaps
barely adequately documented. So being able to read PHP is critical at this level.
And by "reading" I mean able to read a piece of code and
be sure of what it does 90% of the time. eZ Publish has numerous places to apply
PHP based extensions, so we could slot in a PHP developer pretty smoothly.

In the web development space there are lots of technologies that we use day to
day or need to tap from time to time. Linux, Apache and MySQL being the foremost - so
a good developer would be able to write rewrite rules, non-trivial queries, use
ssh, svn and sh. Understanding the details of the internet and the web are pretty
useful - DNS, SMTP and all that. We would certainly be interested in someone with experience
with the high end of performance, Squid, Varnish and custom compiles.
And for the right person - who brought all that and some client connections to boot -
we would certainly consider a partnership after some appropriate time.

From our side of the deal we'd offer competitive salary, interesting diversity of
tasks, lots of room to learn and expand, and a tight-knit team-oriented environment
with lots of opportunity to make a name.
Given how easy it would be to address our technical requirements one might guess
that there would be lots of candidates. Well, I guess we're about to find out.

If you are, or if you know someone who might be interested, please drop us a line
at - we have a juicy opportunity and we are keen to fill it.