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Hide Until Date

This extension achieves a similar goal of delayed publishing to the wait until date workflow built-in to eZ Publish.

With the hide until date extension, you specify a "publish date" for your content and it will be published in the node tree but hidden until that date and time. This addresses two of the main issues with the wait until date workflow; with the hide until date extension, your content is still visible to editors and it can still be edited.



  1. Activate the extension and regenerate the eZ Publish autoloads file
  2. Add Date & Time attributes to the classes for which you wish to have delayed publishing
  3. Create an eZ Publish workflow of type "Hide Until Date". Map the relevant classes to their Date & Time attributes.
  4. Assign the workflow to the "content/publish/after" trigger
  5. Make sure you have the built-in eZ Publish workflow.php cronjob running